So - what is the modern day equivalent of the Railway Clearing House?
Some of it is the
RSSB▸ , things like BS and EN (TSI's etc) there are also Railway Group Standards most of all these can trace most if not all of their roots to RCH, there are also European Railway standards utilised in the
UK▸ That's on the technical side, but RCH was initially, and mostly, about accounting for fares and goods charges that were shared between companies (hence its name). That is now done by RSP, within
RDG▸ which does similar things to the wider commercial and representative functions of RCH.
There were also track access charges, between companies, where RCH settled not only bills but disputes (to a limited degree). That function now happens with and within Network rail, with
ORR» having powers of enforcement that RCH never had.
I have a feeling that somewhere within
NR» there must be a place where disagreements between the different bits (geographic, functional, etc.) can be settled. Just being part of one organisation does not stop that being needed.