The main problem with contactless bank payment remains the lack of an easy way to add a railcard discount for journeys that use national rail services for all or part of the journey. A paper travel card ticket or Oyster▸ card makes it possible to enable that discount.
When the expansion of contactless/
PAYG▸ to all these 233 new stations was announced, in two phases 1 and 2, IanVisits said:
There are also two phases to the payment options being rolled out:
Phase 1 – Full-fare, Adult PAYG travel using contactless payment cards and mobile devices across the South East, fully integrated with TfL» ’s existing scheme.
Phase 2 – Enable discounted PAYG travel for National Rail concessionary customers.
That makes it sound as if this is due by 2024 as well, but I've never found any official source for that, and I suspect it's misleading. The expansion - project Oval - was implemented as a non-competitive tender with TTL (part of TfL) and Cubic.
There is another tender still to be let called Project Proteus, which is TTL looking to re-let the contract Cubic have to run the system. This includes various back-office system changes, lurking underneath the usual jargon and initials. And one of those is:
• Account Based Ticketing / FTP5: This is our programme that will make Oyster an account-based system. Initially this is likely to be a proof of concept involving design and back-office development work which we will lead on. Once the Proteus Contractor is in place, we will engage with developing the wider proposition to develop the system wide solution. This change will involve significant upgrade to our retail assets, changes to the reader to support the new risk management models, changes to the RID software as well as decommissioning the legacy Oyster system;
That's about Oyster, and so has nothing to do with adding a railcard to a contactless account. But it might, perhaps, have caused a bit of confusion in reporting. But this Project Proteus would also be a likely place to put the database link to support railcards in PAYG accounts, though as I say it's not actually mentioned. Proteus is to be let in 2024 for "full-service delivery in August 2026", and more new bits to follow after that.