Afternoon Jim and All
First, just in case anyone was wondering about
my statement 'Deltics being at plymouth', I was
talking about the water browser's that seemed to
have adopted a Deltic number scheme! Gave you
all a few days to see if you could work it out,
especially for those who use or pass there
Looked at the link Jim sent which is very good,
but it could elaborate a bit more on the railway
versions of Napier power unit.
There were two versions of this power unit used,
the prototype Deltic (DP1), and the production run
having two Napier 18-25 'B' power units (much
different to the 'A' type used by the Royal Navy).
There were over 300 differences between DP1 and
the production run, the biggest ones being DP1 had
hollow axles as opposed to solid ones and the
production had a 4 half chain clearence, where as
DP1 had a probmatic 6 chains. In fact DP1 bogie
steps took half the coaping stones of Manors
Station (Newcastle), and also at Darlington.
DP1 "Deltic" link: Deltic Links: Spcs:
Engines: 2X 18cly Napier 18-25 at 1.650bhp at 1,500rpm.
Weight: 100 tons.
Maximum Tractive Effort 50,000Ib.
Total Bhp: 3,300.
Transmission: six English Electric EE750 25G axle hung
nose-suspended traction motors.
Driving Wheel Diameter 3'7"
The second type of Napier power unit was in the
Baby Deltics which had one Napier T9-T29 power
unit. These locos proved to be unsucessful, however
rummor has it the Railway Technical Centre at Derby
(which had one for test purposes), managed to iron out
all the problems and was a very popular loco. The baby
deltics had a sound of there own, which it has been
reconed to sound simular to the 1950-60's Foden 2 stroke
engine used particually in the concreate mixer of this
truck, but many times louder!
Baby Deltic Link: was also a plan for a super deltic loco as
well with a T18-27 18 cyl engine rated at 4,400bhp.
The plan was to produce a c20 design, with one of
these units and also, a loco that looked quite
simular to a c50, with two of these power units. but
Neither came into production, due to
BR▸ 's mistrust
of high reving power units. I have heard a story that
Railway Technical Centre were looking to fit a Napier
unit into the
HST▸ as well at one point.