The thing that struck me about the Schwebebahn is that it really work well in modern times too. A service running every 4 minutes, all services busy - approaching the full and standing level in the busy parts of the route. Acceleration is good, the carriages stable (hardly any sway) and passengers travel above the river and above the busy streets clear of the congestion. I used the staircases, but I saw lifts at most stations and I think they are everywhere. To the residents of Wuppertal, it's just a regular element in their public transport network.
As "real" solutions for Bath? A service from Newbridge Park and Ride to Batheaston perhaps, spanning the river all the way with only a few minor issues ;-) at places like Pultney Bridge. And buses running on diesel or battery power in the precious central streets, with electric trolley running up to the University, Odd Down, Landsdown. In reallity, probably too late for Bath - you may get objections to all those legs over the river. But Hotwells to Brislington - now is THAT an opportunity?