I am surprised that the Welsh Assembly has done nothing to resolve the congestion problems with the Severn tunnel. The tunnel limits the number of trains to from Wales, and in many ways affects the economic development of South Wales.
Whilst they may be happy for a new rail system linking Bristol to Cardiff, I am not sure what effecting this would have on travel times between Cardiff to London. The current root, missing Bath/Chippenham, is a lot quicker, and I am quite sure any changes would not affect Bristol Parkway. It would still receive 2 tph, even though at peak times it could handle 4 tph!
WAG» are not concerned with improving Cardiff-London or Cardiff-Bristol links because London and Bristol are not in Wales. They might well be interested in paying for a preportion of these improvements but matching funding would have to come from England. WAG has spent money improving the Wales to South Wales link because even thought the middle bit of the line runs for a long way through England and it would make more sense to link North Wales with Manchester and South Wales with Bristol, the North-South link is seen as a Welsh project and something properly within their remit to spend "Wales's money" on
It is exactly the same kind of attitude that means that the M6 stops at Carlisle, continues for a few miles as a sub-standard dual carriageway and only becomes a motorway again (the A74(M)) at the Scottish Boarder. The missing link is not a priorty for the English
DfT» because there are more important English road projects to spend money on and upgrading the missing link would mainly be of benefit to Scotland. It would make sense for Scotland to pay for the upgrade but it would be politically unacceptable for Scotland to be seen spending its money on building roads in England.
This kind of thinking ignors the fact that transport over any real distance ceases to become a local issue. The most important bit of railway to Cornwall is arguably the London to Swindon track, but would it be politically acceptable for Cornwall county council (or the SW
RDA▸ ) to chip in for the rebuilding of Reading station? The cheapest way that the
UK▸ taxpayer could speed up Manchester-Paris train journeys would propably be to bung the French Government half a billion Euros to encourage them to build
LGV▸ Picardie which would knock 20 minutes off the London-Paris Eurostar timings
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGV_Picardie, but would you be happy if some of the UK's limited rail buget was spend that way?