Comments always make an interesting read - starting with the inevitable "good - more space for my car on the road" which triggered a more interesting discussion
but it will mean that More busses will increase ...
They don't need to buy the business, all they need to do is take on a few of the routes such as the no's 4, 5 & 5a as they already cover most of the town. Basically they can cherry pick the routes they don't cover at the moment. With the demise of the Yellows the passenger number (and profits) of More buses will soar.
From the Morebus website
Yellow buses drivers and other staff
For those employees who previously worked for Yellow Buses, and who are interested in joining Morebus we'd love to hear from you. Morebus is increasing its rate of pay from this coming Sunday 7 August, to £13.00 an hour. And, for a limited period, we will continue to offer our £2,000 welcome bonus for anyone who joins with a PCV licence. We will be announcing details on Thursday 4 August of our recruitment centre which will be open from Friday morning, where we will ask you to turn up in person if possible. If youre away on holiday you can still apply in the normal way.
Question asked about "where do the resources come from on Saturday onwards?" an it seem that Morebus have new vehicles delivered early / in good time for a (autumn University?) route. With Bournemouth Transport looking for a buyer for some time, I doubt whether morebus have been taken by total surprise.
Bournemouth.User - what is the view of the service users? (That may sound like a question with an obvious answer, but I suspect there is a complex answer)