Two buses, one journey, one timetable. And yet, a slew of online journey planner timetable issues.
On the way to Stroud, the 620 pauses and, like a caterpillar, undergoes a wondrous metamorphosis, becoming service 69, when it resumes its journey towards Stroud*. Here's a link to the timetable., *all* online timetables including the Traveline site and the likes of Google journeyplanner regard the 'Connection' at draughty Old Sodbury as far too tight to recognise, and list a connection into the ensuing service perhaps an hour later, which somewhat increases the predicted overall travel time, trashing the potential attractiveness of the journey.
No idea how this can be sorted, and slightly worried that this happens elsewhere too - having taken a trip from Conwy in North Wales to Caernarfon that was theoretically a connecting bus, indeed, at Bangor the bus we were on simply transformed into the onward service. But at least that one *was* represented correctly in journey planners.
*Another oddity: the last two northbound services of the day peter out a mile or so from Stroud, at a bus stop in Bowbridge. No idea what *that's* about.