What an excellent and enlightening article by ‘ Teignrail’ on this railway bridge near Torquay and its ongoing and disruptive replacement.
The following paragraph, extracted from the article is of particular relevance at a time when the justification for the increasing frequencies of railway Blockades and Bustitution▸ is being queried:-
“In earler times, certainly up until the 1970s, the bridge would have been progressively opened out while one side was kept open to road traffic. During a weekend possession, the old bridge sections would have been lifted out and the new work, brought by rail, installed using steam (rail) cranes at each side.”
Paul7575 above said the crane can be operated on site by itself. It arrived on the 28 February. The concrete crossbeams, at Goodrington coach sidings, not until 23 March. They were late. One has been installed; maybe more by now.