I don't actually 'hate' anything about the refurbished
HSTs▸ - so I voted accordingly.
For example: I travelled Nailsea to Paddington and back on Tuesday - two hours each way, giving me ample time to jot down impressions of my latest HST travel experience.
The airline seats are practical, even for families: two pairs of seats is no more difficult to find than a table. The reduction in the number of tables also means there is less scope for lone travellers to take up all four seats around a table by putting a coat on one, a bag on another, and then sitting with a broadsheet newspaper spread out over both of the opposite two seats. Moveable armrests give much greater flexibility of seating, and the high seat backs give greater privacy if people want to work. The firm seats encourage better posture, but they are by no means uncomfortable - the chap sitting next me and I both found no difficulty in nodding off by about Swindon, I noticed! There is also plenty of legroom - I'm 6 foot, but I didn't have any problem with 'stretching my legs'.
The view from the window is generally fine - yes, the tinted glass and reflection does reduce clarity, but I reckon you still see more interesting sights from a train than you do from a car on the M4. Besides, I noticed that most of my fellow passengers (those who weren't asleep) were working on laptops, listening on ipods or talking (furtively or loudly) on their mobiles, and not looking at the passing scenery at all.
The buffets (as I've posted elsewhere - see
http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=2604.msg19646#msg19646 ) are absolutely brilliant.
And finally, I think the pink 'Mickey Mouse' ears as grab handles are quite fun! They certainly catch the eye, which surely is their purpose - and thus reduce the chances of a stumbling passenger inadvertently clutching at the wig of some poor person sitting in an aisle seat, if the train lurches unexpectedly?
For the record, my trains were both dead on time, each way: thanks,
FGW▸ !