From ...
Can you place the picture? On a day out by train from Melksham.
Upcoming public transport events open to the public over the next couple of months:
21st to 25th and 28th February - Free hot drink with £3 Bacon Bap before 9 a.m. and with rail ticket valid for that day - Melksham
21st February - Litter Pick, Trowbridge, 10 a.m.
22nd February - Cycle Marking at Melksham, 11 a.m.
24th February - Litter Pick, Chippenham, 10 a.m.
5th March and monthly - Car boot Sale, Melksham 07:30 (seller), 08:00 (buyers)
8th March - West Wilts Rail User Group
AGM▸ - March -
MTUG» Meeting, Zoom in Melksham - April - free drink and snack and discounted day trip, Melksham to Salisbury
11th April - reserved for something on the Town Bus
22nd and 23rd April - Drive in Cinema, Melksham - 6 p.m. for 7 p.m.
14th May - West Wilts Rail User Group - trip to Melksham
19th May - MTUG (Melksham Transport User Group) AGM
23rd May - TransWilts Members Meeting
4th June - MTUG at Shaw and Whitley Fair
25th June - Melksham Carnival
For those without links above, take a look at the TransWIlts and Melksham Hub Cafe pages.
Some of these events coming up in our diary on the forum. Times given are starting times.
Overnight notification that
today's event at Trowbridge has been POSTPONED - no new date given yet that I'm aware of.
Edit (08:15, 21.2.2022) - postponement was announced at 7 p.m. last night with "We will let you know when we reschedule." in the extra text - so that confirms no new time/date as yet. It does make sense to have delayed the litter pick until after the storm has passed - indeed it's probably there will then be more clearing up to do.