A little different for our "Advent Quiz" ... much more serious! looking to help our local Railfuture branch to complete a survey for a "Mind the Gap" exercise comparing services as the were two years ago and now.
I have been asked for answers for five "key flows" and it's clear that the request is regional / long distance and on that basis, what are the five "key flows" in the Severnside area? My suggestion would be:
A) Bristol to London (Paddington? All?)
B) Bristol to Birmingham
C) Bristol to Southampton
D) Bristol to Exeter
E) Bristol to Cardiff
Sorry, I don't think my knowledge is sufficient to provide a helpful answer (although when did Bristol to Cardiff/Southampton lose the 158s? you might be able to spin that as loss of facilities if you count interior doors to keep draughts out of the passenger saloon as a facility). However, "key flows in the Severnside area" sounds alot like "key flows
within the Severnside area" which may or may not change the meaning of the question. Within Severnside you might want to add Severn Beach, consider the Portsmouth services only as far as Bath or Westbury, the Birmingham services as far as Cheltenham/Gloucester and lose the Paddington services from the discussion?