Press Release from Railfuture:
Rail fare hikes stoking the cost of living crisis
Rail fare hikes of 3.8% kick in on Tuesday 1st March, adding to the current cost of living crisis.
“Ordinary working people are feeling the squeeze like never before, yet the government is stoking the fire of the cost of living crisis with these eye-watering fare increases. How does this help get the country back to work?” said Bruce Williamson of the campaign group Railfuture. “Few people are getting an income increase of 3.8% this year. People are struggling to heat their homes, yet the government wants to take even more money off them for the privilege of taking the train to earn a living.“
Government uses the obsolete RPI▸ measure of inflation instead of CPI which is usually lower. If CPI were used, fares would rise by only 2%.
“If the government cared about the cost of living crisis, they would drop RPI and use CPI instead. They can afford to give motorists a break, by freezing fuel duty for 12 years on the trot. Why won’t they do something similar for the hard pressed rail traveller?”
“Inflation this year is likely to hit 8%, so unless the government changes the formula, the average rail traveller will be bankrupted next year.”
“They could take this opportunity not just to freeze fares, just like they’ve done with fuel duty, but to reform our insanely complex fares structure. Transparent, affordable fares would not only encourage a return to rail, but would give a boost to the economy and promote green environmentally-friendly travel.”