Will YOU wear a mask when using public transport after 19th July? (Voting closed at 05:18:27 am)
Yes - all of the time - 5 (11.1%)
Yes - most of the time - 11 (24.4%)
Only in limited busy / enclosed areas - 21 (46.7%)
No, I will not wear a mask - 6 (13.3%)
I will not be using public transport - 2 (4.4%)
I am not yet decided - 0 (0%)
Many thanks for your votes and comments.
TravelWatch SouthWest has been in touch with the major train operators in their area, and with Passenger Focus. Starting with Passenger Focus (and I am cherry picking from a long message
44% agree that as long as passengers are wearing face coverings, reducing the social distancing on public transport makes sense to them. 51% say that they won’t use public transport unless social distancing is in place. 58% agree that they won’t use public transport unless passengers are required to wear face coverings.
They have also a
segmentation analysis.
From one of my fellow directors at
There has clearly been considerable push-back against the proposed relaxation, while polling shows a majority for retaining mandatory face coverings on public transport.
Grant Schapps, interviewed today, conceded that transport operators have the legal right to insist on face coverings as part of (he said) 'Conditions of Carriage'; he cited EasyJet as having decided to exercise that right, in continuing insistence on face coverings.
It seems unreasonable that passengers, especially vulnerable ones, should be put at risk by the decisions taken by medically ignorant individuals.
What of the bus and train operators in our region? Can TWSW put these points to them, and get a commitment to continuation of mandatory face coverings until the wave has passed?
Here are comments on dicsussions with key interfaces at
GWR▸ and
SWR» :
Xxxx says GWR have not yet determined their best tac on the wearing of masks. They are waiting on official guidance, market research and the Unions. For now, the mask signs stay up. They have concerns that PT may become the sole perceived area of risk if it is singled out for mask wearing. It may be interesting to see what compared attitudes to transport are like in Japan.
Xxxx Xxxxxxx says SWR are waiting on ORR» guidance but still stressing personal responsibility to wear masks on busy trains. Unions, ORR and risk assessment. Opportunity to be more consistent? People clearly willing to come back.
* With the move from franchises to operating contracts funded by the Government, the
TOCs▸ seem much more micromanaged at present, and may be told what to do rather than having (much) choice.
* Most people say that they will continue to wear masks where it makes sense on public transport - however I am not 100% convinced how long that will last, or even whether people would stick to their intent or whether wearing would rapidly slip if it wasn't mandated.
* Could there be a significant loss of rail traffic if the mask mandate becomes "masks optional" as people - especially the more vulnerable - fear that it's not as safe as it could be any longer, and stay away from public transport?