Just found this story from the
Western Daily Press. Though a little dated (March 31) it does give some insight into the December move up North of 12 158's:
http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=145786&command=displayContent&sourceNode=221018&contentPK=17004636&folderPk=103495&pNodeId=221019Rail watchdogs fear another 'great West train robbery' is looming after it emerged 12 trains being operated by First Great Western are to be sent to another English train company.Lobby group Transport 2000 said yesterday that it feared the loss of the trains would add to the levels of overcrowding experienced on some peak time trains run by Swindon-based First Great Western (
FGW▸ ) since it cut the number of seats on local services in December 2006.
FGW bosses insisted an equivalent number of trains would be leased from rolling stock companies to cover the loss of the dozen Class 158 trains that will be sent to York-based Northern Rail in December.
But critics remain unconvinced, arguing the move is another example of the "Cinderella" railway in the West suffering while public transport in other parts of the country prospers.
Northern Rail is to receive 30 extra trains from around the country by December to help counter a 19 per cent increase in passenger growth it has experienced since 2004.
Transport 2000 spokes- man David Redgewell said: "Yet again we are seeing a great train robbery, this time with the North robbing the South West. "It's a scandal that trains are being taken from First Great Western at a time when passengers have been suffering from overcrowding on fewer, shorter trains that are packed like sardines.
"Passenger levels are growing in the South West too - but it's being stifled because the capacity is simply just not there to get more people on trains.
"This is clearly a political issue because it is the northern Labour heartlands that are benefiting from extra trains while the South West suffers.
"I would urge all the
MPs▸ in the region to start lobbying hard for this type of train robbery to stop."
FGW regional manager Andrew Griffiths said West commuters would not suffer as a result of its trains being sent to York-based Northern Rail in December this year.
Mr Griffiths said: "These units were always going to go off-lease in December. Eventually we'll be getting others to come in their place.
"There's certainly no question of passengers facing any cuts in services or less seats being available.
"The 158s [that are going north] were on short-term hire to us - the leasing company has obviously found another home for them.
"We're expecting to get other 158s to replace the ones that are going but the details have not been finalised yet."
Kerry McCarthy, Labour MP for Bristol East and a critic of public transport levels and road congestion in the region, said she had been given reassurances by FGW that no further cuts in rolling stock levels were imminent.
She said: "When I met with First Great Western recently they assured me that the problems suffered during December and January had been sorted and there would be no more cuts to services.
"But I will certainly monitor the situation to ensure that the trains being lost to Northern Rail are replaced with at least the equivalent number being returned to First Great Western."
Note the slightly ominous comment from Andrew Griffiths "We're expecting to get other 158s to replace the ones that are going but the details have not been finalised yet." My question is from where exactly? To my knowledge almost all spare 158s have been allocated. I understand the FGW want to lease all their 158 stock from one company which is understandable when it comes to servicing etc. But where will the replacement 158's come from Central perhaps?
I know where there are some 142s going cheap!!!!!!