Should there be a Community Rail Partnership that includes the Berks and Hants to the west of Newbury? I'm on various public mailing lists ...
TransWilts ( a Community Rail Partnership who support the Swindon to Westbury service route) are keen to see a Community Rail Partnership (
CRP▸ ) for the Newbury to Westbury route representing the following stations: Kintbury, Hungerford, Bedwyn, Pewsey and the proposed Devizes Parkway. You can read more about CRPs at
One of the aims of this CRP will be two get an all stops hourly Newbury to Westbury service.
I also note (from Bedwyn)
[names] agree with this aim but have made it clear that this must not affect our direct services to Reading and Paddington
The Berks and Hants has a real mixture of stations , services, objectives, potential markets along the way and for a very long time some sort of co-ordination makes huge sense. Personal thought - that the services heading out from Reading via Theale might be as follows in each hour:
1. Non-stop to Taunton (from London, continues to Plymouth and sometimes beyond)
2. Theale, Thatcham, Newbury and all stations to Taunton (from London, continues at least to Exeter)
3. All stations to Newbury
Additional service on the line each hour:
Westbury to Castle Cary (service usually from Bristol, carries on to Yeovil and usually Weymouth)