Railway Cranes ... not a subject we have really touched on (not sure if that's because there's little to say about them, or because they're outside member's interest). However, posting this morning a plea on the fate of a crane that was at Laira to pass the word out should anyone be interested. In Llangollen, bought at an auction of assets from the receiver with a view to scrapping.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/61796596150/permalink/10161341167171151As has been mentioned elsewhere, our 50 ton Cowans Sheldon crane has been purchased by a scrap merchant, who we understand wishes to break it up on site. The crane is fully operational and certified until September. It is also an historic vehicle and we understand the only one of its kind left operational, having being built for the MOD as a steam crane, acquired by
BR▸ and converted to diesel operation, ending up as the Laira breakdown crane before coming to Llangollen many years ago. We understand the total purchase price (including
VAT▸ and buyers premium) was around £35k. We have had the begging bowl out for some time now and many folk have already donated money to our successful appeals. However, if anyone wants to help try and make a last ditch attempt to save this historic and useful vehicle please contact the LR Trust as soon as possible (
trustllanrail@gmail.com). Transporting the crane is likely to be prohibitively expensive and require partial dismantling, which is what is likely to have put other preservation purchasers off, so the most cost-effective and ideal solution (for us at least!) would be for the vehicle to stay on the railway.