As you know, grahame, in my role as researcher and draft timetabler for
Option 24/7, I am currently particularly focused on matters relating to 2)
When it comes to town bus services in Wiltshire - which I suspect you particularly have in mind here - it is often a more complex comparison than how your question is framed. For example, with the town minibus services that Wiltshire Council subsidise in Melksham and other towns in the TransWilts hinterland, the Council insist on a certain amount of leeway in the running times that can make them seem slower when compared to (say) the commercial conventional bus 271 route - which Faresaver set their own timings for - over common sections of route.
One of my aims in negotiations with the Council will be to see if there is scope for a reduction in this leeway regarding new rail link feeder bus service timings where they dont have to access "minibus only" areas such as the Methuen and Sherwood estates en route. I have been working on a batch of such timetables, and a closer match of timings would be beneficial for when they combine with commercial conventional bus services - as they will be far more integrated together in future under the new
DfT» Bus Strategy - on common sections of route.
On 1) it is obviously important to pay particular attention to how the whole "miles per gallon" rationale will change given the DfT Bus Strategy's heavy focus on Decarbonisation and clear move towards Zero Emission bus services, and consequent phasing out of Diesel in favour of technologies such as Electric and Hydrogen.