Would anyone have a rough idea of the cost of the electrification of the 68 miles?
I think that's exactly the key question, though maybe not in the sense intended by it.
At the time, it seemed to me that what
DfT» (with the Treasury watching them) were demanding from
NR» was cost estimates they could believe. When the money ran out in
CP5▸ , they told NR to stop anything that had a completion date into
CP6▸ , and use any unspent cash to cover their other overruns.
They then said: "You have a few smaller electrification schemes we need to do for political reasons. Demonstrate to us you can do cost estimates for those that match the actual costs, and until then don't come back and ask about anything big or the rest of
GWR▸ . These must be real estimates (i.e predictions) - no hindsight allowed, which probably rules out retrospective costings using new procedures."
Now, how have NR done against that yardstick? Or is it still to soon to know? I've not tried to follow the costs of
MML» and the smaller projects. And I wonder whether DfT would allow the Scottish projects as evidence.
Given that almost all the work is contracted out anyway, there may not be a lot of mileage in this government's usual panacea of "bring in private contractors". All it would add is the possibility of getting guaranteed fixed prices, and we all know what that means in real life - much higher prices, and/or contractors going bust.