I wonder if the Cardiff - Portsmouth services would be better with new bi-mode (ie. hybrid) rolling stock. Don't get me wrong: I like the 165s & 166s but I wonder if long-distance work is a good use of them. Also if the Filton four-track was electrified then taking might taking advantage thereof be a good idea?
I don't wonder - I am adamant that long-distance regional express work is NOT a good use for the 165s and 166s (or anything else with 'double-width' doors).
I'll totally agree that 165/6s are not suitable for regional express work - they are awful !! BUT............ the only thing I do like about them is the double-width doors. There are parts of Portsmouth-Cardiff route which are not "regional express like" - Warminster to Bath for example, where you have stops every few minutes, the single width doors cannot cope with the traffic in the time allowed for the stop. Try getting on or off a 158 at Bath Spa at 5 pm !! Double (decent)-width doors at the end of the coaches would speed things up considerably, stepping up/down from the train is the slowest part, not moving down the aisle to get to the door.
A new purpose built family of trains would indeed be the ideal solution. Perhaps some passenger centered thought could be applied to this.............a regional express does not require much 100mph + running so the new trains could be flat fronted, then it would be a simple job to have full corridor trains from 2 to 10 coaches long - just take a look at
RTT» for Salisbury and see how well
SWR» do this with their 158/9 fleet . What a (bad) joke a 165 and a 166 coupled together is, but I suppose it goes with the 5 + 5
IETs▸ !
Something that perhaps requires more serious thought - is third rail really that dangerous ?? Has anyone looked at "engineering" it safer ? Portsmouth-Cardiff could never justify OHLE, but perhaps third rail. Worting Jct to Exeter is another prime candidate. There must be a huge amount of third rail in the
UK▸ if you just count track miles. What is the "casualty" rate per mile on 3rd rail compared to Over-Head Line Equiptment (OHLE) ?
Edit: VickiS - Clarifying Acronym