Headlines that lead you to the wrong conclusion.
Vanhu vane huwandu hukuru hwevanhu vasingazive zvatiri kutoita (izvo zvinosanganisira vanhu, zvimwe zvipenyu, prosthesis uye akawanda maturusi anowedzera kugona kwedu). Kana tikabvuma kuti kugona kwedu kuungana nekukatanura, tinofanirwa kubvuma kuti kunzwisisa kwesainzi uye tekinoroji kunowedzera nekukurumidza, munhu wepakati kunzwisisa anodzikira nechiyero chakaenzana. Uye izvi zvinogadzira chinhambwe chiri kukura pakati pevanhu vazhinji nevakuru vepamusoro vanobhadhara avo vanonzwisisa nekugadzira. Maitiro akadaro zvakajeka anosanganisira njodzi kune iyo democracy.OK ... now that I have you really wondering how that dog learned to drive a train, and got a train driver's license ... let me continue ... with the lovely story from
Network RailDog takes engineering train from Long Eaton to Burton after Network Rail workers rescue him from the tracks
We're used to the occasional Grahame typo, but this reveals hidden talents!
Googletranslate tells me this is Shona for:
People with large numbers of people are unaware of what we are already doing (which includes humans, other organisms, prostheses and many other tools that increase our capacity). If we accept that our ability to assemble and disperse, we must acknowledge that scientific and technological understanding increases rapidly, middle-class understanding decreases at the same rate. And this creates a growing gap between more and more paid executives who understand and design. Such practices clearly pose a threat to the democracy.
Must go now, got to catch the last train from Bulawayo to Gaborone.