From the public chat - what people actually wrote. I have filtered out operational issues with zoom ;-) ...
peter long has just arrived at falmouth university by gwr.can i recommend this is professor j.king's lecture on 18/1 at the current conference.
Bryony Chetwode
Mike Birkin's slides [And James White's] can be found on the
TWSW» website front page with webinar information links
Links resolve to: Redgewell
Swindon is getting a new bus station as is Exeter and Weston Weston super mare.
Bristol has 99 new gas buses funded jointly with weca local authorities and First group weca mayoral transport authority and Bristol Mayor rees is working on a bus prority scheme s mass transit system Bristol to Bath Route
James & Tom
Bath desperately needs a new bus station! the current one is dark, dirty and an embarrassment for the beautiful city of Bath. The best bus station I have been in is Portsmouth Hard Interchange.
David Redgewell
Plymouth city bus has gas buses
David Redgewell
first group south western railway is looking at hi bred trains
Bath bus station interchange could do with modernisation
Taunton need to bus interchange in the town centre and no new car park.
James & Tom
Yes David agree with you. It needs modernising cause it is not looked after.
David Redgewell
Bath and North east Somerset council pass climate change emergency plan last night
Cllr.Loretta Whetlor
SWT▸ Milton Keynes has a good bus exchange
Colin Divall
But the WG STB plan for 2020-25, approved last month, supports numerous high-carbon highway schemes...
Go Ahead in London are using for an all electric bus fleet with 200 mile journey capability from one charging session.
Bryony Chetwode
Gloucester has been a good example of collaborative work with scope left for uptake growth
Cllr.Loretta Whetlor SWT
London could have done this 30 years ago. Many years before that we had trams and trolley buses.
TFL▸ have had millions to change things My husband is an ex London bus driver and his union were advocating getting rid of diesel buses 40 years ago
Graham Parkhurst
China has 0.5 million electric buses in service. Cost and technological constraints do not seem to have been a barrier there like they have here!
Mike Lambden
National Express West Midlands have already started only buying electric buses and have already converted some key routes to all electric.
John Scott
We are taking an approach to issues that is highly urban in character: focused on cities and large towns. The problems of rural areas are quite distinct and far more difficult to manage.
Cllr.Loretta Whetlor SWT
Question If you want to stop the amount of cars you need to build houses around cities and towns not keep on using the green spaces.
Bryony Chetwode
What will happen with dormant planning application - review of spatial approriateness ?
Catherine Mack
We have to travel less: and can do so with better spatial planning for mixed communities with appropriate facilities and good communications (particularly internet for planning necessary journeys)
Empirically, urban extensions haven't done very well - they have become very car-dependent.
Catherine Mack
So what can we do David?
Cllr.Loretta Whetlor SWT
try living in rural Somerset internet is dreadful phone signals in places are non existent.
James & Tom
Are David's points not worth commenting on? Specially COVID-19 secure issues.
Bryony Chetwode
This raises the point about competition for space between sustainable modes
The problem with existing urban extensions is that they are too far from the urban centres for walking (and links with employment areas can be even worse!). Some of the ideas about 15-minute neighbourhoods are worth considering - some of this comes under the "Connected Cities" brand but is applicable to smaller settlements - and West Wilts has been used as a case study.
Colin Divall
while I agree that rural car usage will take many years to reduce, it doesn't follow that private vehicles should continue to dominate market town centres.
Mike Godwin
In Bath we were promised fully electrified mainline rail by 2016, but for reasons of 'economy' they left us with diesel / electric mainline rail trains built at outrageous cost to 'save' money on the Temple Meads - Keynsham Bath - Chippenham main line.
Sue Stevens
Should public finance be given to independent coach providers for ring and ride services in rural areas to a local intermodal transport hub?
Bryony Chetwode
Understanding why we connect will be part of the solution to develop a vision for connectivity
James & Tom
I am a driver at Bristol Community Transport and the buses on the tendered routes are not covid secure. They do not have safety screens on any of there buses. I have complained but I get fobbed off with excuses which is simply putting drivers health at risk driving to/from Southmead Hospital
David Redgewell
half on weca is rural parts of Somerset and Gloucestershire outside Bristol and Bath
Mike Lambden
Suspect that people will say that they support changes to their travel until it hits them directly and they will then vote out any council who tries to restrict their travel.
David Redgewell
light rail system is possible in The Greater Bristol and Bath city region and Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch
There is also the possibility of Mobility as a service MaaS for rural areas, using electric vehicles. this is being done on parts of the Netherlands very successfully
Bryony Chetwode
Rural connectivity is also important because the tourists must have access to retain our tourist economy. If they could access by PT, rural areas would benefit
David Redgewell
Malvin rees is looking at light rail system in Greater Bristol
Catherine Mack
Price signals have to reflect societal and environmental benefits - at present un-valued
Dick Daniel
Good point to use trams/light-rail.
Good for urban areas as a backbone of PT feed by buses.
Using old rail lines to connect to rural areas, one of the good things about trams is they can go around obstacles that have been build across the old rail lines.
David Redgewell
Dorset needs to.invest in bus service and modern gas buses in west Dorset and Weymouth first group and Go head Group need partnership working
Cllr.Loretta Whetlor SWT
total new cars sold in Norway (including hybrid) was 89% last month. now wouldn?t that be an achievement here.
David Redgewell
remember Highway England are about the demolish Bridges and tunnel and Trackbed In south west England.
they are doing this without planning permission
Colin Divall
There is an on-line petition opposing this....
Bryony Chetwode
TWSW is doing Rural Connectivity on the 5 th February
David Redgewell
so track bed s for railway reopening and Greenway light rail route may be lost
Bryony Chetwode
And the argument is that they do not see an air quality issue in Exeter...
David Redgewell
Railfuture Facebook site s have a list
Bryony Chetwode
Next week integrating Town Centres
Catherine Mack
Yes Dick - what's missing is a good background national policy!
Emily Reed Reed
Please do respond to the consultation on the Interim Devon Carbon Plan