How to run a poll on the Coffee Shop
It's always a new thread (can't add to an existing thread) ...
1. Ensure you are logged in and not browsing as a guest
2. Navigate to the top of the board you want the poll on - example: Select "Post New Poll" which is at the top of the "Subject" table
4. Complete all the parts of the form - all the normal post stuff plus extras
Good idea to ensure that you explain why you are doing the poll
Optional Preview (but you will see only the main post at this point, not the poll)
6. Post ... and like magic the new thread with the poll will appear!
7. Vote yourself to test it
8. Visit from time to time to see how it's going
9. When the poll closes, come back, thank everyone for taking part, summaries the results and what you have learned, and let people know who you'll be using them.