Sad news. The Melksham Hub cafe is to close in May 2023.
Sad news, indeed. I have shared that sadness on local Facebook group pages, and also added an updated page on the appropriate website to make it clear that the Cafe may be closing, but the station and rail service remains very much in business - .
I do not as yet have any indication as to what the future plans, if any, are for the cafe building - whether there's another use lined up for it, or whether ideas are or will be sought, and if so by whom. Neither do I have any indication whether or not there will be changes to car parking and charging facilities on the site.
Opening a cafe and a greatly enhanced, now paid, car park couldn't really have come at a worse time with the onset of Covid, and I would like to add my thanks to everyone who put in so much effort into trying to make it work. The financial objective, as I understand it, was to break even or make a modest profit which was to be used to help oil the wheels of further service and facility development. What was undoubtedly achieved was a community which empowering members of our community from marginalised backgrounds, and I would very much hope that achievement can be rehomed to somewhere like Canberra, on Spa Road, perhaps.