The FoSBR» AGM▸ will be held on FRIDAY 29th JANUARY 2021, starting at 7.30 pm and ending at 9.30 pm. You can find information about the meeting on our website at Our main speakers will be :
- Nicholas Falk (Executive Director of The URBED Trust) who will talk about integrating rail transport with development planning and how transport planning can lead a Green Recovery.
- Andrew Braddock (Bath & Bristol Trams Group) will present his group’s work promoting light rail initiatives for Bath and Bristol, and how they interchange/integrate with the rail network.
- Gavin Smith (Transport for Greater Bristol) will outline the comprehensive set of proposals TfGB are developing.
Zoom meeting: It will be a ZOOM meeting, which will be recorded. The link to the meeting is: Meeting ID: 822 9230 8278
To ensure that we can start on time, please sign in to the meeting from 7.15 pm - it will give you time to sort out any glitches that you might encounter while trying to dial in. If you have never used Zoom before and need some help, reply to and you will be passed to our technical support team to guide you through the set-up process in advance of the meeting. If you have used Zoom on your device before, you should just be able to click on the above link.
Meeting papers: there is some paperwork for this meeting (attached), as follows:
Agenda for the AGM
Minutes of previous AGM (held on 14 February 2020)
Roundup of
FOSBR▸ activity for 2020
Treasurer's Report for 2020
Election of Officers: the following posts are up for election at the meeting
Chair (currently held by Rob Dixon)
Secretary (vacant post at present)
Treasurer/Membership Secretary (currently held by Tony Lloyd)
Press Officer (currently held by Carol Durrant)
Campaign Secretary (vacant post at present)
If you wish to be nominated for any of these posts, please can you email your nomination to by 6pm on Thursday 28th January (the day before the AGM ).
Proposed Resolution: it is considered that the train service frequency, for which FoSBR is currently campaigning, should be increased from every 30 minutes to every 15 minutes. The proposed resolution, which will be debated and voted on at the meeting, will be:
"Although MetroWest is bringing much-needed and long-awaited train frequency improvements, FoSBR seeks a 15-minute frequency train service to all Bristol stations for a true metro-style service".
An on-line AGM is a new experience for FOSBR but there is no reason why it can't be as rewarding as our normal (real world) AGMs. We have three speakers with some really interesting and thought- provoking ideas for the future of travel in our area; there will also be short presentations from local rail groups in our area - and of course plenty of time for discussion. Please join us for the AGM and we look forward to seeing you online!