I can see the merit of banning alcohol on certain services with a history of drunken trouble.
However banning all alcohol on all trains sends out a very negative message. I also perceive some risk of mission creep or over interpretation of the rules. For example by refusing passage to those carrying sealed containers of drink as part of their shopping, or for a gift. This has already happened on LUL▸ services.
Can you point me to where it says I can't carry a sealed bottle of wine home amongst my other shopping on the Underground, or to an example of where someone has been stopped from doing so?
No regulation prohibits the carrying of a sealed bottle of wine on the London Underground.
I was twice refused admission to an underground station for carrying sealed containers of alcohol as part of my shopping. On one ocaision, cans of drink could be seen through a partialy transparent shopping bag.
On another journey, my bag was searched "as part of routine crime prevention" and a bottle of spirits found. The
BTP▸ officer said "You should know that drink is not permitted on LUL" He pointed to a notice that confirmed the prohibition on drinking and the carrying of open containers of alcohol.
I pointed out that I was not drinking, not carrying an open container, but was told "makes no difference because you could open it" And that the rule is not for debate or argument, NO DRINK.
Others have reported similar experiences.
I wrote to complain and received a standard reply about the powers of the BTP to which everyone is subject.
I suspect they recognised you Broadgage and the notoriety of your rock n roll lifestyle preceeded you, hence the BTP acting with extreme caution!