Surely "the do nothing option" is anathema to our elected representatives who feel they must always be seen to be doing something?
I have just submitted the written response from the Melksham Rail User Group to this consultation, as agreed at the meeting last Wednesday evening ... full document at sent that in by email (email, snail mail and survey form being the three options offered) I looked to make brief personal comment at their online form.
I am flabbergasted (my flabber is totally gasted) at how little they want to know and the utter lack of opportunity to make any comment on individual suggestions they have made, and the total lack of any write in box what so ever. If you want to say anything, you have to compose an email ... I suspect they just want a lot of boxes tick to say "we have consulted". Here are the complete 3 pages of the survey
Interestingly, just about the ONLY question that's actually asked is no. 6, which basically asks "are improvements needed" ... in other words, pits the "do nothing" option against all the other 18 described in the consultation. Asked in that way, I would suspect that "Jo Public" will vote for improvements - combining the votes of the person who feels that perhaps the speed limits should be reviewed with those who want a 3 lane motorway to give an outcome to confirm for the council "we have to do something!".