Here's an example: 166220
... arrived at Filton Abbey Wood at 12:26 as 2H62
... ran as 5H63 to Bristol Parkway, platform 4
... coninued as 5H63 at 12:48 to Filtom Abbey Wood, arriving 12:52
... formed 2H63, the 12:54 to Bristol Temple Meads
I think I have mis-understood something then. I believed that the reason the stopper up Filton Bank terminated rather oddly at Abbey Wood, one station before it would provide connections to London, Swansea, Birmingham and beyond was because of capacity issues at Bristol Parkway. And yet here it is buzzing in and out empty from platform 4.
5H63 terminated at Bristol Parkway today, and then ran back to Filton as 2H63, and then continuing on to Temple Meads for posting a link to a page that’ll expire in a few weeks time).
Partly filling a gap caused by the cancellation of 12:10 Gloucester to Westbury, but at least a sensible use of the resources available.