Not a scream of horror, but I wonder what the point of your proposed new warning is. Unless posting to a relatively quiet sub heading, any thread that has not had a recent post added to it will be quite a way down the page if not on a subsequent page. It should be blatantly obvious to anyone who adds a further post to the thread that it will be the first one for some time.
I am glad that you have already decided not to lock old threads, because you never know when it might need to be resurrected. I have a completely off-topic example to illustrate the point:
A couple of months ago I was idly browsing the internet to see if a classic car restorer was still in business, when I chanced upon the forum for a classic car club that I not only once belonged to, but was one of their Regional Reps for 10 years and their national magazine editor for two years. My idle-browsing internet search not only led me to their forum, but also a topic from 2006 in which I was mentioned ? this was in relation to my putting a Perkins 3-litre diesel engine into a Rover P5B, and the correspondent (who had had a ride in it) described the result as ?awful.?
As my regular readers on this forum will probably deduce, I felt the need to put my side of the story

I promptly joined that forum and posted, entirely with the intention of putting my side of the story, so to speak. And as I said, that thread had not had a post added since 2006!
Subsequent posts on the thread suggest it was well-received!
In the unlikely event that anyone on here is remotely interested, here is the thread (you don?t have to join to read the posts ? my responses are on page 2):