What's the unit? Is it a DMU▸ or EMU▸ . I thought at one stage SWT▸ were running DMU's because of the turnround time at Lymington couldn't be met when rebooting EMUs?
It?s a 450 in
SWR» livery.
The rebooting issue was a comparatively temporary issue, and very early on after the 3CIGs were withdrawn, but once it was solved, and the platform was extended for 4 car trains at Lymington Town, then the intention was to use 450s 7 days a week.
But then a little while later they decided that as a 158 was available, then that would be used weekdays only, to release the 450 to lengthen something elsewhere on the mainline. But during that period 450s were still used Sat and Sun, so clearly the turnaround time wasn?t the reason for 158s on weekdays. 450s also appeared weekdays if the 158 failed.
Once the full 707 fleet entered service, they found a 450 for permanent weekday use, and that happened during the autumn 2018 period, a month or two ahead of the Dec timetable change.