22 out of 31 identified by 22 different members in the 12 hours from the original post during yesterday. All 31 images are held in the server's databases and calling up the pictures was calculated to stress the server. After some initial issues in the first 90 minutes, the server handled it fine. Many thanks for the help, everyone. No 'proof' that the changes I made (extra guards on the door, dead wood chucked out and more stalls in the loo in nightclub terms) are a permanent / lasting fix, but the improvement under planned pressure looks to be more than a co-incidence.
9 still to place ... for anyone who's not taken part and submitted a response yet, please do so ... if any remain by lunchtime, I will open the field for second guesses.
As an aside (anticipated good consequence, but not the justification of the quiz) lots of people posting. Although we are in a lull (no news) season, some 90 different members have already posted this month - that really helps keep the forum active for everyone, so THANK YOU. A lot more members have visited (logged in) but not posted, and as is the pattern guest numbers are very high, with Google analytics confirming that 92% of over 1,100 users are from
UK▸ addresses, which rather confirms most of them as genuine visitors and not clever robots.
Here's the geographic coverage map of those UK visitors