As an aside, I have a high degree of cynicism of any government offer to provide funding for an immediate start to any schemes which are shovel ready. From what I can see, schemes (certainly railway schemes) only get to that stage once the funding is pretty much wrapped up anyway.
There has been a very serious funding gap in getting projects to the "Shovel Ready" stage and I am delighted that's somewhat reversed by the "reversing Beeching" element which is going to help with the early stage studies. Up to now, it has been very hard to get the relatively smaller sums for these studies, on the basis that the only certain outcome is a detailed report, and that you
may end up spending £££ for a document that says "you should NOT proceed". It may well be that the 30 or so reports from these studies come up with a number that are one step closer to shovel-ready so that at some point in the future there might be a pool ready for "immediate start". With my cynic's hat on, such government funding tends to by cyclic and synchronised with the general election cycle.
I would argue that at times there is too much reporting. Reading the 81 page document this thread's about, I note references on pages 19, 22, 23, 24, 31, 48, 50, 53 and 76 to stakeholder aspirations to continue the Romsey / Southampton / Salisbury service on through Salisbury station and up to Westbury thence Swindon, and find myself thinking "goodness ... all that for an net increase of perhaps half a dozen trains each way through the station each day, some of which replace trains that terminate at the through platforms and block or require shunts at present". Frustration suggest that this element should be in the "
JFDI▸ " bucket by now!