The JULY edition? Yes I know magazines are published well in advance, can not understood why? Perhaps due to slow distrubution on the pack horse system, before the canals arrived over 200 years ago now.
I used to take a couple of monthly magazines which arrived late in the month prior to that on the cover. When I asked, I was told that the magazine takes adverts for products and at prices available for that month on the cover. Reason is that so you can write in with your order and cheque, or go visit to attend exhibitions and rallies during the cover period.
"RailFuture" dates from 1991, when it was renamed from the "Railway Development Society", in turn formed from The Railway Invigoration Society, The Railway Development Association (London Area) and The Railway Development Association (Midland Area) in 1978 - see
Systems, rules and philosophies that were put in place in those days in the last millennium were right for their time, but may not be apt now. You could include the RailWatch publication date in relation to its cover label as a minor example, but there are some really significant other ones. I stood and was elected to the RailFuture board. I accepted their longwinded procedures (starting late summer 2018 and being elected spring 2019) with a significant period of purdah and a requirement that electioneering was to be limited to the written statement posted out to members. Sadly, under a system that requires modernisation, I was only just elected to a "fill in" place replacing a director who had resigned so only had a year rather that the three I sought to help make a positive difference. With the need to stand again in a cycle starting last autumn, with learning just how much of my support from the other directors during election was to keep another candidate they disliked out, and with finding that the words were "please help us move forward" but the actions were anything but, I concluded that I have better things to do with my active retirement years (at national and local level).
RailFuture has excellent skills in its volunteers - right up to board level, and those skills are being well used. And RailFuture's campaigning for a better railway for the future, filtering out the Utopian dreams that won't work and promoting plausible improvements is good in positioning. And on that basis, I remain a supportive member.