I will always follow the write ups of the meetings with interest but I've always seen the Coffee Shop as something that primarily informs me rather than the other way round so I'll leave a bit of space to the very numerous members who can better contribute. I might make an exception if there's a way of sitting in to listen without crowding any other contributors out.... which I suppose shows how much I know about Zoom*.
*]How many people can say they had heard of Zoom before the current unpleasantness?
Online meetings and talks here are just an extra 'on the side. No obligation on anyone what so ever to come along and indeed just 10 out of about 100 different posters came along yesterday. But you will find explanations, invites to try and encouragement to overcome hurdles if you wish to ... also summaries like Red Squirrel's excellent one from yesterday if you just want to find out what went on later.
Zoom - even on the basic level - can take up to 100 in an event, and there is little danger of there being a shortage of places in our use. Numbers at events can be stepped up higher - not sure what package it was, but I attended a Transport for London event run as a webinar last week with over 200, and the only way I could be 'seen' was if I typed a question into a side 'chat' column. The meeting organiser can default video off or on and audio off or on for attendees, and can allow (or not) their inputs. It's rather like meetings in real life - the same 'rules' still apply and you can have fireside chats, committee meetings, bigger presentations and so much is down to the host how he / she plays it. TravelWatch SouthWest last week - a very interesting meeting ( notes at
http://www.passenger.chat/23456 ) and a follow up discussion between a handful of the
TWSW» team looking at the metrics of how the meeting went and learning for next time.
Plan is to vary Coffee Shop "Tuesday Club" between chats with everyone, talks, and question / answer sessions. Clear agenda and running order each time so we know where we're headed. Members welcome to join to watch and listen without saying much (though a "hi, welcome" at the door for everyone as we start is no bad thing to ensure that everyone, even if just there to listen, feels welcome).
The link (which includes the meeting password) will be in Member Services so that only signed up members of the forum can join in, but there is no pre-requisite number of posts as there was for yesterday.
More to follow ... please, all members, feel free to pop in next Tuesday ... to add your own comments as we run, or post them up later or use the content to purely inform if you prefer. The only input I would request is a minimum polite "hello" when we say "hello" to you when you arrive.