First should have kept a minimum service to allow rural dwellers the chance to come into town for shopping, and for urban dwellers to go into nearby countryside for their exercise.
Actually ... no.
First announced at the end of January that they were withdrawing their Melksham services from 4th April. That was long before the Coronavirus scare; First services were due to finish anyway and won't be back.
First and their predecessors have run a Devizes - Melksham - Bath route since time immemorial, but after 1985 deregulation the route has been open to competition. That's primarily come from Faresaver, who built up over the years so that by a year ago there were four buses an hour during Monday to Friday daytime - two each from First and Faresaver, with two First and one Faresaver on Saturday and First only into the evening and on Sundays. Far too many buses for everyone to break even, and First gave up. It's the sort of way deregulation is designed to work.
During February and early March, a scramble from all remaining parties to provided / agitate for a sensible all day, every day service - and
the net results as registered with the appropriate authority to run from 5th April are sensible - congratulations to all parties concerned. Wiltshire Council providing support funding for actually more evening services and for Sunday services, routes 271 and 272 each running hourly Monday to Saturday giving a 30 minute service into Bath, where the old routes varied giving an hourly service to all ex-First-only and ex-Faresaver-only stops.
Sunday services are route 273 instead. A service every 2 hours, which does not serve Mallory Place, Melksham Hospital, Coronation Road, 3 stops on Shaw Hill, and stops via the Swan at Kingsdown and into Bathford. And it's that Sunday service running at present - with a single extra trip on the same route, one 2 hour "pattern" earlier. So - overall - 40 services from Melksham to Bath per day reduced to 5 or 6 at the moment i.e. 15% of normal service which must be one of the most draconian cuts. Government support for bus operator at present, though, relates to percentage of routes operated not number of services on that route, and I'm pretty sure that over 78% (I think it is) of routes are running - even if just one bus a day in some cases.
Now -
travel from Melksham into Bath remains possible, with a walk (to a 273 stop) of perhaps quarter of an hour from the stops missed out (they're also missing out The Bear and Old Broughton Road at present because of roadworks) and key workers are typically fit enough to walk ... so the current changes are ironic and frustrating, but understandable. I'm making assumptions that there are no key workers needing an evening service, nor from Bath to Melksham as the first service doesn't get to the town until 11:50 even on a weekday.