There will certainly be more mammals exploring our towns, though many already do - deer, for instance, can often be glimpsed in areas of Bristol and Bath quite close to the centre at the right times of day (which will normally be dawn).
Changes in other wildlife, though, it will be more difficult to disentangle whether cause is lack of people or the glorious spring we are having.
I've certainly seen more butterfly species this spring than normal, but that will be due to the weather. We have been having lunch in our garden every day and always accompanied by an orange tip butterfly flittering past, which I've rarely seen here before.
Our garden pond seems to be teeming with newts this year. Most years I might see a couple occasionally, but this spring I've seen up to 8 at any one time, and there will undoubtedly be many more in there.
We've had a population of slow worms here since we moved in, but the many cats in the area sadly keep their numbers down, and in bad years I've not seen them at all. This year I've found them active in the compost heaps most times I look, with both adults and young.
The blossom was very early this year, and today I saw the first plum forming, so I'm looking forward to a lot of fruit.