In terms of a longer term plan, what do you and others think GWR▸ and the other operators should do to best help the response to the virus?
Some potential options are:
1) To only provide a limited service to key workers like now for many months.
2) Relax the restrictions to include travel to and from work for all workers, who should wear face masks and keep to social distancing guidelines as best as possible, but ban business or leisure trips.
3) Not restrict travel but insist all passengers wear face masks and try to keep social distancing as best as possible.
4) Restrict travel by introducing a 'with reservation only' service on long journeys and introduce quota control on other services to ensure social distancing guidelines can be adhered to as best as possible.
The options put forward by II possibly show why the government is keeping very quiet about all this at the moment.
There are many factors to take into account above and beyond the question of whether or not to loosen restrictions, many of which have nothing to do with the restrictions themselves.
Firstly, how are people going to react when all this is over? We don’t know is the short answer. Home working may catch on reducing some of the need for commuting; individuals, especially those in high risk groups, might not want to return to normal in the short term anyway; and some forms of loosening, whilst they might sound good on first hearing, don’t look so good when you delve down into the practicalities. Just for example’s sake, as a retired old git in pre BC days, I was not above looking at the weather forecast, finding out it’s better further east today, then jumping in to a Paddington-bound
HST▸ (I said it was pre-BC days!) and walking the Grand Union canal between Slough and Harlington, or the Regents Canal from Paddington to Camden, or to walk the
DNS▸ trackbed from Didcot to Upton. I'm not sure I am in any hurry to go back to doing that even if the rules allowed me to.
Something else that we need to bear in mind, and I am not trying to be callous when I say this, is that people die of diseases every day. That in itself is nothing new. I believe I am right in saying that 10,000 people die each year in the
UK▸ from flu. That’s an average of 200 a week. If covid 19 deaths get down to the same sort of levels, should we really all be wearing face masks and social distancing, or should we just be a bit careful not to get to close to anybody who is coughing and looks sweaty? I am not saying yes and I’m not saying no – I’m just posing the question.
In other examples (from the list): “Restrict travel by introducing a 'with reservation only' service on long journeys.” What’s a long distance journey? You’ll need to define it and, when you do, there will be outliers that will put spanners in the works. So how long is “long?”- 50 miles? If so, from Chippenham I could go to Goring & Streatley without reservation, but I’d need one to go to Pangbourne. I think you would agree there’s a bit of sense not being made there, and it is caused purely and simply by trying to over-define things.And that is of course only an example and not a one-off. If you try to mileage-define restrictions there will always be people who can go to Five Ways but not Birmingham, Finsbury Park but not Kings Cross, Lostock Hall but not Preston, and so on.
Similarly, “Ban leisure travel.” That would need to be defined. Is going to Marks & Spencer in Bath to buy a pair of shoes “leisure travel?” Is going to see an octogenarian uncle in Cheltenham who probably won’t be around much longer “leisure travel?” If one is but the other isn’t, how in the World is that going to be policed? Would it not be far simpler to say to people ”Keep leisure travel to a minimum” because that will probably achieve an equally good result without people trying to decide what is allowed and what isn’t, with half of the population disagreeing with them after they’ve decided anyway.
I am not the sort of person who puts unquestioning trust in any government, but I do feel at the moment that cans of worms could be opened if we are not careful when the restrictions start to be relaxed, so for the time being I am happy to be kept in blissful ignorance.