Question asked of me ... how does the Melksham Rail User Group's web site work to produce a combined live bus and train feed?

Well - we start off by identifying the bus stops and station we're interested in. The
National Public Transport Access Nodes database - read about it at and download the data from tells you about just about every bus stop and then you hunt through to find the ones that you want (a needle in a whole line of haystacks!) and get the 7 letter code for each stop wanted. Here are the codes for the two stops at the Railway Inn in Westbury, at the bottom of Station Approach.
"4600WIA10362","wilagtwa","","","Railway Inn","en","","","","","Station Road","en","","","NW-bound","en","NW","E0056892","Westbury","","","","","","","0","U",386481,151896,-2.1951501123,51.2660577345,"BCT","MKD","OTH","","","","108","2020-04-07T12:46:51","2020-02-25T08:31:54",0,"new","act"
"4600WIA10363","wilagtwp","","","Railway Inn","en","","","","","Station Road","en","","","SE-bound","en","SE","E0056892","Westbury","","","","","","","0","U",386524,151872,-2.1945328891,51.2658429590,"BCT","MKD","OTH","","","","108","2020-04-07T12:46:51","2020-02-25T08:31:54",0,"new","act"
You can put those codes into sites such as nextbuses to give you a web page of departures:
Then go to "Tiger" - - and find the station you want; grab the page in the format you want (or in XML if you're going to program it into a web page) - you'll get a URL such as or .

If Tiger isn't available at your station, Real Time Trains and Network Rail's Darwin also offer feeds.
As a simple solution, you could offer links to each of these feeds you identify on your site. For an integrated solution, you'll need to do a bit of programming - the Melksham Rail User Group one is in PHP, but you could use other languages. If you ask me "does it take a long time to do" the answer is "no - it probably only took me a day", but if you ask "and how long does it take to learn what to do" ... that can take years!
A word of warning - the results on this Maundy Thursday, with lots of late changes to buses because of the pandemic crisis, are scattered with errors ... the bus companies have much else to do to plan the services they're running and you may see some suspended services shown, and some of their thinner replacements missing.