the IndependentDevon remains open to visitors, as does Blackpool:
Visit Devon is telling prospective tourists: “Devon is very much open to visitors and we invite you to come and walk across our beautiful countryside, get some fresh air on our stunning beaches and enjoy our county by remaining aware of social distancing and protecting yourselves and your family by regularly washing your hands.”
Tourist destinations elsewhere in Britain are still seeking to attract visitors. For example, Visit Blackpool says: “The resort remains very much open for business.
Scotland is open and expecting a downturn
Visit Scotland says: “In light of Covid-19, it’s unlikely we’ll be welcoming as many visitors as our friendly, passionate and unique country deserves.
“If you are planning a trip to Scotland in the next few months ... make sure you check with your travel and accommodation providers before travelling.”
Cornwall, however, wants visitors to stay away
Visit Cornwall published a statement saying: “Visitors should not come to Cornwall at this time, in order to slow the spread of the virus, to protect themselves, as well as the communities of Cornwall.”
And the Welsh don't even want ... well, I'll let you read it:
The Plaid Cymru leader in Westminster, Liz Saville Roberts MP▸ , has written to the health secretary urging him “to issue an immediate no-travel directive”. There are concerns that second-home owners are choosing to self-isolate at their properties in Wales, potentially adding to pressures on overstretched rural health services.
Wiltshire passes the decision to the traveller - not in the article but from
the VisitWiltshire website and that is the same advise as the Great West Way - hardly a surprise as VisitWiltshire heads that operation.
If you are travelling to Wiltshire, please abide by the current government guidance in regards to the developing COVID-19 situation