I borrowed the title from Ian Dury, so there are no Parts 1 or 2.
With all the difficulties related to Covid-19 I thought we needed a corner where we can try and look at the more positive angles. (move this if need be)
Working from home? does this mean that you feel you might have some extra time because you are not traveling. Get out and get a bit of exercise, if you are the first one up (social distancing) in the area a walk round the block. Later in the day can you go round your local park or other bit of greenspace. Get out on the bike, we are supposed to be 1.5 m apart.
When the ground dries out a bit of gardening, don't ask me every plant I touch dies. Although I did think the other day looking at a plastic tray some food came in, my mother would have immediately thought seed tray. So you can do something even if you haven't got a garden. Remember growing cress on blotting paper at school? There will be people on the forum who can offer advice.
The above can be useful when you get to the stage of feeling this is "doing my head in".
The current situation might not be doing us a lot of good, but it is helping the planet