Many of our boards have general information topics pinned on the top of the board - "this is where to start" for newcomers, introducing the line / service / subject matter. Until now, these pinned topics have been maintained by our global moderators and administrators - busy people on the forum and in real life, and often with limited knowledge of the length of the platform at Betchworth or the curvature of Narberth tunnel. Errors of fact, even in the pinned posts, have not been spotted .... and the threads have gotten out of date too. Hence a "Data Manager".
A "Data Manager" has the same powers within his/her board(s) as a moderator. That means that he/she can pin and unpin topics, donate topics to other more appropriate boards, merge, and modify posts (by anyone) even once they are older that the 60 day "archived" setting. In other words, the Data Manager can take ownership of the board content.
We have several long-standing members who have been excellent moderators, but have really not enjoyed the very rare occasions that they've had to be actively involved in sorting out issues with members which comes as part of the moderator job. By making these new roles "Data Manager" rather than "Board Moderator" ones, responsibility for member's issues remains with the moderator / admin team leaving these new data managers the role of looking after content and technical stuff with (of course) the ongoing help and support of the moderators to back them up.
Are you a regular on the forum? Do you fancy taking day to day data responsibility for a board or two where you're a well informed - writing new "General Information" threads, and then keeping them current? If so - please let me know.
* For each "line" board ... looking for the following titles for consistency:
Notable Engineering features and architecture
Notable Railway Facilities
Rolling stock used
Main passenger flows
Ticket and fare data
Catering and facilities
Current issues
Station notes and links
Community Groups
See examples at (London to Swindon and Bristol) (Cornish Main Line under "Plymouth and Cornwall")