I'm unclear as to whether the feed does come up from Melksham or not to that point. A lot of work was done burying a
puppy [correction - supply
] cable from Melksham to the railway at Thingley and I understand that a cable was to be run along the track through the station and to the end of the overheads. I don't know if that has been done or not - it it has, a very different scale of engineering to the cross country section from Melksham Substation to Thingley Junction - as different as a 12" water main to a pipe to a domestic shower would be!
Indeed - and it's unclearer than I thought it was. We know there's a National Grid feed at 25/0/25 kV from Melksham GSP to
NG▸ 's terminating sibstation next door to Thingley ATFS. I've got documents for that, and the scar for the cable is visible on satellite pictures. There's also a shiny new white cable conduit from there along the track towards Chippenham. Unfortunately, from there to Royal Wootton Bassett Junction there's no pictures on Google Earth new enough and clear enough to show anything much. (And I still suspect that GE's offer of pictures changes with time for no obvious reason.)
There was to be an ATFS at Royal Wootton Bassett Junction, too, but it's not listed by NG as being fed by them. I found a newer picture for there (undated), which shows what could be an ATFS but no next-door NG substation, suggesting it cannot have a grid feed. Then I found report (a case study) by BCM Construction (but with
NR» 's logo on it too) saying they have installed an independent feeder cable to feed Thingley Junction ATFS from Royal Wootton Bassett ATFS which has a grid supply. I can only assume that report was company
PR▸ and too little care has been taken over whether it's right about the feed direction.
There is a new conduit all the way - visible on the newer images - put in before most of the
OLE▸ supports went up, which suggests the feeder does run all the way too. The cable went in in 2016, probably before people were looking for such things, using NR Southern's cable train - though the trench under P1 at Chippenham people did notice. The cable is described as 2x1 core 630 sq mm, which I think could carry roughly 800A and so feed 40 MW; that sounds a bit low for a full ATFS demand.
So, while it's all very confusing, it does look as if power from Melksham feeds in only at RWB ATFS to supply down to short of Chippenham, and an unknown extent along the main line each way. At least, if all those ifs are true!