Follow up on
Ian Visits[snip]
People escaping domestic abuse are usually advised to seek refuge services at a considerable distance from their perpetrator, but for many, raising the cash to pay for a train ticket can be very difficult. This is especially true for people experiencing economic abuse, who may have no access to cash.
The ‘rail to refuge’ scheme aims to remove this barrier by offering free train tickets for women or men, and their children, to travel to a recognised refuge. From today, survivors can access the tickets through the member services of Women’s Aid, Welsh Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Aid and Imkaan, once they have received an offer of a refuge place.
Members of these organisations can book the tickets via a bespoke booking system for the people they are referring to, or receiving in, their refuge accommodation.
With lockdown keeping troubled family groups closer together and with no respite at school for the children, a bigger problem at the moment.
As a famous supermarket would say "every little bit helps" but I would suspect that for many the cost of the travel is far from the biggest concern in life-changing turmoil. Cheers for the help - gratefully received I'm sure, and for some will take one of the worries away ... and leave many more.
Dangerous to generalise from just a single situation where I was involved in a 'flight' ..."coz gonna pay for the journey' was well down the list of "will the children keep quiet as we creep out", "will he find me /come after me" and "where will we live?". Having someone to travel *with* on the journey is pretty useful for emotional support too ... I just hope the organisations listed have good experienced helpers who can help avoid the victims of the abuse getting caught into much paperwork at a fragile time.