* From
the BBC» Fears are growing that the coronavirus outbreak could reach pandemic scale as more cases emerge around the world.
Most infections are in China but other nations like South Korea, Italy and Iran are battling the virus, which causes respiratory disease Covid-19.
The proportion of infected patients dying from Covid-19 appears to be between 1% and 2%, although the World Health Organization (WHO) cautions that the mortality rate is not known yet.
* From the Association of British Commuters
Corona virus advice is to wash your hands. At West Croydon station there is no hot water and a rat infestation!!!
Is it ever safe to travel on the railway?
* From a discussion I was having earlier ... with someone who's got a degree in epidemiology - though with a very different career - I came away rather confirmed in the view that there is a probability of a pandemic - of the virus speading far and wide so that it's won't be significantly limited to areas or enclaves. Of those dying, typically they're the people with the weaker immune systems so biased towards the old and the young but some middle age infected. Quarantine and other measures can and will reduce and slow the spread; to reduce worldwide casualty numbers, there's a race a against time to develop, and then to manufacture in quantity, more effective ways of treating the virus, and also to immunise against it and prevent it spreading.
I was criticized the other day for starting a thread about a Carbon Friendly / Climate Change event to be held later this week. Perhaps this thread will get a similar critical kick. Fair enough - it hasn't effected travel within the
UK▸ .
Yet. But I suspect it might. And it might do so to a devastating extent.
How close is it? From
WikipediaSix degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule. As a result, a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.
I'm already half way - three steps away. The bus conference in London a couple of weeks back was attended by someone in from China who had been exposed. Attendees at that conference were advised about a week later to take prcautions including reducing their attendance at other events - the two
MPs▸ went so far as to quarantine themselves. But during that latency week, those who were there had carried on their regular run of meetings, and even after the notice there were some who took a different view to the advise.
It's over the magic fortnight now - and I understand it, that makes it "all clear" this time around. It was never more that a long shot that it would be at that meeting and get out, but with enough long shots ...