The irony is that when people stockpile hand sanitizers, they are stopping loads of other people from using them which ends up exposing the very people doing the stock-piling to more risk.
If anyone is concerned by the scarcity of alcohol based hand sanitiser and the often inflated prices of remaining stocks, it is easy enough to make your own.
One suggested formulation is as follows.
Isopropyl alcohol-----------------------75%
Hydrogen peroxide solution-------------4%
Purified water to 100%
The isopropyl alcohol should be virtually pure, not the formulation already diluted with water.
The hydrogen peroxide presumes use of a solution containing 3% of the active ingredient, other concentrations may be used if the volume used is adjusted accordingly. The purpose of the peroxide is to kill anything in the original ingredients.
The glycerine should be of cosmetic or food grade, its purpose is to prevent excessive drying of the skin.
The water should preferably be distilled or de-ionised, but boiled tap water may be used, if of drinking quality.
If only "rubbing alcohol" is available which consists of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water, then this may be used but is not ideal. Add about 2% glycerine. Add no water to rubbing alcohol.
Isopropyl alcohol, glycerine, and hydrogen peroxide are all readily available on line.
The isopropyl alcohol and the glycerine store almost indefinitely in sealed containers, but the hydrogen peroxide spoils in storage.
Edit to add, the above was true when posted, but isopropyl alcohol is now in short supply and very expensive when located.
Ethanol is an alternative but requires a slightly different mix, details a few posts down
TAKE CARE isopropyl alcohol is very flammable, and when diluted as described is still somewhat flammable. Best handled outdoors.