35 years ago this Wednesday, Melksham Railway Station was re-opened amidst great celebration. Initially, two trains per day catered for commuters to Swindon, but in recent years services have successfully increased, services run from very early morning (first train 05:33!) to mid evening, and passenger numbers have rocketed.
The "Melksham Rail User Group" will be marking the anniversary at 4 p.m. (Wednesday 13th May) with an online (zoom) meeting - a short illustrated talk on the re-opening of the station, followed by a discussion on current public transport in Melksham and how we move forward. Everyone Welcome - please do try out Zoom ahead of time if this is the first time you'll be using it.
Melksham station was re-opened on a trial basis in 1985 - and here we are today with a permanent and much grown facility that does so much for the town, This zoom meeting is also on a trial basis; like the station, we hope that something bigger grows from a small start. It was with great support and dedication from the community that the station has succeeded; please help and support us now in these extraordinarily difficult times - you initial support (coming along on Wednesday afternoon) will cost you nothing more than half an hour of your time.
The "Melksham Rail User Group" is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: "Melksham's new railway Station - 35 years young today"
Time: May 13, 2020 04:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3090013950?pwd=bzkzVEsvbGxGaERFempjcUtkdm1vQT09Meeting ID: 309 001 3950
Password: WedsClub
Melksham Rail User Group is a member of TransWilts
CIC▸ and a member of the Community Rail Network. Chair - Peter Blackburn; Secratary - John Hamley; Treasurer - Judith Gradwell; Vice Chair - Graham Ellis.