Robin, I am not sure that you are fully engaged with our upcoming opportunity and that attention to mere details detracts significantly from the benefits that will surely disperse upon the body public once we open our minds and dispel previous mantra that have kept us so straightjacketed this past several decades. Your focus on track gauge for instance speaks volumes on an attention to detail that detracts from the ultimate goal of new global optimism. England, I am sure will be the first to embrace teleportation – after all we thought of it first – and the carbon benefits I’m sure are already being woven into national policy on rail transportation.
Even in our unique seasonal optimism, not seen since a stable incident some time ago, a Tetbury connection, as you observed, would probably require miraculous convergence.
But 3’6” is a wonderful gauge, same as New Zealand, and they both run trains far larger than ours – bit like France and Germany …
Enjoy Kaapstad - a truly wonderful place

I'm glad to see you didn't take umbrage with my post!

However, the devil is in the detail. For many years one of my major jobs was to take other people's strategy and vision, and turn it into a sensible, workable and realistic way forard. That is why, whenever I am faced with a new strategy, and especially a rhetorical one, my first question is:
"OK then, how are we going to make this thing actually happen? How is it going to work? What are the dangers and where are the pitfalls that will stop it working?"
Without the answers to these questions you are never going to get anyone's pet scheme up and running.
We all know what the elephant in the room is here but neither of us is saying it, so let's get it out in the open. It's Brexit. Ever since June 2016 we have had politicians waxing on in full rhetorical thrust about the wondrous opportinities that lie just around the corner. Well personally I don't want to hear their rhetoric - I have no time for rhetoric - rhetoric is tuppence a ton -- I want to know what they are actully going to
DO that this country can't do already. Because let's be clear = we have been able to trade with any country anywhere in the world ever since we joined the
EU» , and the only caaeat is that we have had to abide by the same tariff and customs terms as all the other countries in the EU. Nobody else has a problem with that, but apparently we do.
If we want to buy trains from Japan or bananas from Jamaica nobody is stopping us.We import steam locomotive tyres from South Africa because it is the only country in the western world that still produces them; nothing is stopping us. The list goes on and on and on. And of course thise same freedoms exist in oiher countries too.
So when, with respect, I see a post on here which is to all intents and purposes a regurgitation of that political rhetoric I so much detest because of its emptiness in terms of detail, I react by pointing out some obvious details that may stand in the way of doing what you the poster suggests we will be able to do, I get:
"I am not sure that you are fully engaged with our upcoming opportunity and that attention to mere details detracts significantly from the benefits that will surely disperse upon the body public once we open our minds and dispel previous mantra that have kept us so straightjacketed this past several decades."I'm sorry, you're damned right I can't engage with that - because ultimately it ain't true. We could do it all already; you are being lied to by politicians who tell you we can't and like, when any justifiable concerns by the remain side in the referendum campaign were put forward, the point gets sidestepped with a rhetorical "have faith" or "Project Fear" again.
You will of course have your faith and I will have mine, And if and when your faith gets tested by having to get a Shengen visa to take a day trip to Calais I am sure that the politicians will tell you that it's all because of the spiteful EU having a go at Plucky Little Britain because they hate the idea that we can live without them. You believe it if you like.
As Dave Allen used to say at the end of his shows: "Goodnight, and may your God go with you"