Some people (with some justification) feel that none of those available for election represent their views with sufficient adequacy to deserve a tick in the box.
Indeed. I was talking with someone who's an example of this today. Firm and consistent voter in the past but reading the platform of each of our three candidates repeats 3 times "I can't vote for her because".
In my opinion, if younger people and those from BAME and other backgrounds (and I am sure that those exist, even in Bradford on Avon) are not engaged, it's incumbent upon Politicians to address this, and upon ourselves to ask ourselves why...……….although a quick look at those leading the major political parties may answer that particular question very easily!!!
There were young people at the hustings, and a number asked questions. Being a midweek school night, they were towards the front (not where my snap showed) so they didn't have to stay to the end. The real hole was not that generation, but the intermediate generation; I think there were a few but, yes, thinly spread. Old data, but West Wilts is only 1 in 12 BAME and if I had the data to drill downing the 5 towns, I think I would find that the figure was even less in B-o-A, one of the 2 towns in this constituency. Having said that, both SAME and LGBT were there and had a significant voice last night. Can't always tell from a picture.