TransWilts - presentation from meeting on Monday. Meeting was for for Stakeholders and members only, but this data has been released on their public web site and publicised on their Facebook feed. Some performance graphics - I will admit to being selective with the slides I have chosen; the full presentation is there to read (look just above)
I suspect the "Trains booked" and "Trains reaching ppm" column titles are swappedMy $64,000 question is "when do we have a service that's reliable enough to use routinely without having to go one train early, and to be proud of" . The data above suggests to me that the big problem is drivers - fix the "lack of driver issue" and your cancellations are straight away into accceptable bounds. From another slide in the
GWR▸ presentation:
Driver numbers improving but training programmes impact numbers until May 2020
And from the TransWilts web page:
Our next meetings will be:
AGM▸ – Saturday 25 April @ Trowbridge Civic Centre
Stakeholders – Wednesday 20 May @ Trowbridge Civic Centre
Please register for tickets in the new year on Eventbrite.
Note that the TransWilts AGM this year was purely for members, and that two events were held in the couple of months thereafter - one open to only to Stakeholders and members, and the other an annual conference which was open to the public. I am unclear as yet as to invitees on 20th May next year, but adding both to the public diary here. Also adding 13th May 2020 for Community Rail in the City and 4th April 2020 (yes, clashed with the Coffee Shop AGM) when I understand station activities are being planned.