The railways don't have flat fares and the prices do change according to time of day. Or is the drift being that it moves towards RyanAir/EasyJet model? Potentially the customer service would be even worse than it is now on the railways?
Quite. This is a complete non-story written by someone who has probably never been on a passenger train, because ii they had they would (or certainly should) know that this is exactly what is happening now
You want to travel at peak hours? Then you pay for a peak rate ticket (aka Anytime)
You want to avoid the peak? Then you can buy an of peak, or in some cases a super off peak, ticket. They are cheaper than peak fares - often a lot cheaper
You want an even cheaper fare? Then book an advance ticket in much the same way as you would with an airline. I understand that the fares on these are also demand-related, in that when the cheapest ones go you have to spend a bit more - once again just like the airlines.