I take a lot of pictures out of the window as I travel around on public transport ... most of them come out of very poor (British understatement) quality ... but never the less they provide me with a later reminder and occasionally record something that I share later.
Here are 20 "through the window" pictures - all taken by me personally during October 2019. One is actually quite reasonable
but all together they illustrate the great variety that is the British Isles.
One each, please, for the first 24 hours. Can you identify the places I was passing as I took each of these pictures?
1. Pilning - Western Pathfinder
2. Bangor - RA
3. Thingley Junction - Rogerw
4. Taff Wells - Reginald25
5. Drogheda - Worcester_Passenger
6. Red Cow - Stuving
7. Milton Keynes Central - IndustryInsider
8. Rhyl(ish) - Celestial
9. Pontypridd - SandTEngineer
10. Irish Sea (middle thereof) - Stuving
12. Westbury - Stuving
13. Norton Bridge - JontyMort
14. Worcestershire Parkway - JontyMort
15. Swansea - Brooklea
16. Wellington = Adelante_CCT
17. Dublin Heuston - Worcester_passenger
18. Marchwood - RA
19. Shrewsbury - AMLAG
20. Cheltenham Spa - Ellendune